Lingkar Association is a non-profit organization formed in 2006 and engaged in disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development.
In its history, Lingkar Association was a consortium of organizations to work together in the Yogyakarta earthquake emergency response (2006). After the emergency period was declared complete, the consortium’s collaboration also ended.
Productive interactions of volunteers generate ideas and shared ideas to continue to develop communities in disaster risk reduction. From those ideas, in September 2006, it was agreed to form an organization, the Circle Society, which was based on an association of individuals who shared the same concern and vision, namely disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and sustainable development. The purpose of the transformation as an ‘association’ is to be able to provide more optimal services to people in need, especially those who live in disaster-prone areas.
Critical and democratic civil society with responsive and resilient sustainable livelihoods
1. Develop community awareness about vulnerability and disaster management
2. Carry out responsive and direct disaster management humanitarian services through a community-based approach
3. Providing assistance to communities affected or at risk of disasters with a community-based approach
4. Establish and expand strategic cooperation with parties who are in harmony
5. Creating public policy conditions that are anticipatory and responsive to disasters
6. Promote broad social-humanitarian altruism / solidarity attitude.
- Participation
- Non-Partisan
- Social Transformation
- Humanity
- Altruism
- Solidarity
- Justice
- Sustainability
- Independence
- Agent of Change
- Learning and Teaching
- Legitimacy
- Transparency
- Appreciation
- Encouraging independence
- Non-profit
- Praxis